In the first part of our series, we looked at one of the biggest enemies to our faith. There we found that enemy to be our lack of knowledge or our ignorance when it comes to the word of God. We found that our lack of knowledge was not due to the knowledge being hidden or being unavailable, but due to the rejection of knowledge. Our rejection of knowledge coupled with our lack of knowledge has caused us to misplace our faith and our trust. Instead of placing these things in God, we have actually placed them in man’s interpretation of who God is, what God is, what God does, and what God says. We are instructed to test every spirit to see if that spirit be of God, but because we lack the necessary knowledge to perform the test, we have unknowingly subjected ourselves to false apostles and deceitful workers, who can transform themselves into the apostles of Christ and to Satan, who can transform himself into an angel of light. God has instructed us to study, to investigate, to analyze, and to question his word, if necessary, so that we may be able to rightly divide the word of truth and get the revelation knowledge needed to strengthen our faith. Our lack of knowledge or our ignorance when it comes to the word of God remains the biggest enemy to our faith.