Wow! You still need more evidence that there be a system that hinges on what you say, be it saying something good or be it saying something bad. You still need more evidence that there be a system that you have been given the power to control and the authority to command. You still need more evidence that there be a system that has been ordered not to do anything until something is said, an announcement is made, or some type of command is given. You still need more evidence that everything in this life hinges on the words that you speak, be they positive or be they negative.
Well, we know that God spoke everything into existence. He said, Let there be and it was so. All of creation was done or created in like fashion. It appears that the word of God has power. God speaks and things happen. God verifies this in the fifty-fifth chapter of Isaiah. He compares his word to that of the rain and snow that come down from heaven. Just as the rain and snow stay upon the ground to water the earth, so it is with God’s word. It stays in the earth realm so that it can accomplish all that he wants it too and so that it can prosper everywhere he sends it.