Monday, March 25, 2013

Death and Life Rest In. . . (Part 9 – The Conclusion)

So how did the challenge go?  Were you amazed at the number of negative confessions you made in your daily conversations?  What about the number of negative confessions your friends made in your conversations with them?  How many of them, you included, ended up actually having what they spoke of to happen?  And while there was such a short time between our previous post and this one, we hope that you will carry this message with you and really pay attention to your negative comments and make an effort to cease and desist all negative confessions.

We have come to the end of our message.  But before we go, we would like to summarize some of the main points that we believe are important for you to remember.

First of all, we discovered that there is a system in existence, created by God, that has been ordered not to do anything until something is said, an announcement is made, or some type of command is given.  The system does not do anything until you activate it, until you say it with your mouth.  And the beauty of it all is that you have been given the power to control and the authority to command this very system.  The Bible tells us that death and life are in the power of the tongue, which suggests that with our mouth, we can speak death into our life or we can speak life into our life.

We discovered that our mouth is the master key to our life.  We also discovered that our mouth gives us authority in three areas; on earth, in heaven, and in hell.  We found that with our mouth, we can command the forces of heaven, change the situations of earth, and bind the forces of hell.  Sadly, we discovered that most people do not realize the power of their words; believing what they say to be unimportant.  They are completely unaware of their ability to speak in authority in this world therefore, are unable to correctly use the power that has been given to them.

Our mouth is the master key to our life.  Everything in this life hinges on the words that we speak, which can be positive or negative.  With our words, we can be justified with life and blessings.  Or with our words, we can be condemned with death and cursing.  The system requires us to speak then to believe before it will produce any results (speak it, believe it, get it).  This is a spiritual principle.  By our words, we choose from that which God has set before you, which is life or death.

A system that works based on what a person says.  A system where we can receive the gift of salvation just by confessing with our mouth, not forgoing the believing in the heart part.  A system where we can also be condemned in like fashion, provided the belief in the heart is there.  A system where we are truly justified or condemned by the words we speak.  A system where Satan and his crew must also wait to see what we are going to say before they can do anything.  A system where we have to grant Satan permission in order for him to do the things that he does so well, which are to steal, to kill, to destroy.  And yes, we give him permission all the time, having to become very proficient at doing it.  But the really sad part is that we do not even realize the permission we give when we do it.  A system where death and life truly do rest in the power of our tongue.

We then turned our attention to one of the oldest stories in the Bible.  A story that has been taught for many years, a story that has become a very intricate part of our culture, because it has been used to offer comfort to those living through calamities that appear to come out of nowhere and for no apparent reason.  Yes, we are talking about the story of Job, which has become the standard used to explain why the righteous suffer and why bad things appear to happen to good people.  As we read the story, it appeared that God had put on display, the trophy that he delighted in very much when he placed everything that Job owned under Satan’s power, allowing Job to be tempted, tried, and tested.  After further investigation, we discovered that this was not exactly what happened with Job though.

Instead, what we found was that Job’s life was actually impacted by what he spoke.  We found that Job made a negative confession, which he believed, and it was that confession that started his woes.  As we have said many times before, our mouth is the master key to our life and our examination of Job’s life supported that fact.  Job’s negative confession gave Satan the opportunity he needed, the needed permission, to do the things that he does so well.  Satan was able to steal, kill, and destroy all that Job had, with one exception; he was unable to take his life.  We discovered that there was an interesting twist in the story that benefited Job.  On the day when the sons of God and Satan came to preset themselves before the Lord, we found that Satan had actually come to accuse Job before God.  But God, with his infinite wisdom, was able to turn the tables on Satan, without violating any principles that he instituted in the very beginning.  Instead of waiting for Satan to present his case against Job, God immediately puts him on the defensive by asking him about Job, thus saving Job’s life.  With his story, we got a firsthand view of this spiritual principle in action.

We even discovered how some old clichés factored into all of this, this death and life thing.  While we found one old cliché, God will not put more on you than you can bear, that fell in line with some old teachings associated with the story of Job, it as it were, they  turned out to be unfounded.  And while this cliché is one of the mainstream confession made by many, we see that God is not the one who puts anything on anyone, especially not more than they can bear.  We also discovered that God was not the one responsible for the earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, and all other natural disasters.  From the story of Job, we discovered that Satan was able to put forth his hands and touch all that Job had, which included his bones and his flesh.  We saw the disasters; four in total that befell Job were of human interactions (Sebeans and Chaldeans) and of natural sources (fire and wind).  All of these disasters were control by Satan’s power, who just happens to be the god of this world.

Then we looked at a statement by Job that has become a staple in the body of Christ and the go-to answer whenever a reason is needed for a tragic event and an alternative explanation cannot be found.  Because Job made the statement, the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord, many have a false sense of who God is and what he does.  The scriptures tell us that the gifts and calling of God are without repentance, which means God does not give us something and take that very same thing or anything else away.  We then looked at a statement by Dr. Fred Price where he said, Everything in the Bible is truly stated, but not everything in the Bible is a statement of truth.  Job’s statement was the perfect example of Dr. Prices statement in action, where what Job had said was truly stated, meaning that it was true that Job did make the statement, but what Job said was not true, because it was not a statement of truth.

For many years, we have been taught that God, who many say is the giver of life is also the taker of life as well.  But it all makes so much more sense now that the giver of life is not the same one who is the taker of life.  We found out later that it is the devil who had the power of death, not God.  And more interesting than that was the fact that the son of God was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil.  So, he himself likewise took part of the same, which was flesh and blood, so that through his death he might render powerless him who had the power of death.  We discovered that it was the devil, Satan himself, who had the power, not God.  We discovered that death is actually an enemy of Christ, and by death being an enemy of Christ, then it must be an enemy to God too.  And with death being an enemy to God, then it would stand to reason that God would not be the one who uses an enemy like death for his purposes.

Now that you know the truth, it is our hope that you will help to spread that truth.  We know that it is very difficult to overcome traditional doctrine and tradition teachings, but if this knowledge can help one person, then it is worth our effort.  Think of the impact this knowledge could have in the kingdom of God for the children of God.  Think of the impact this knowledge has already had in your life.  No longer will we be destroyed because we lacked the knowledge we need to be victorious.  No longer will we lacked truth.  By changing one, we change others.

We need to tell everyone that our mouth is the master key to our life.  We need to tell them that our mouth gives us authority in three areas; on earth, in heaven, and in hell.  They need to know that our mouth can command the forces of heaven, change the situations of earth, and bind the forces of hell.  We need to tell them that everything in this life hinges on the words that we speak, which can be positive or negative.  They need to understand that with our words, we can be justified with life and blessings or we can be condemned with death and cursing.  We need to inform them of a system that requires us to speak then to believe before it will produce any results (speak it, believe it, get it).  This is a spiritual principle, one that we had best learned to use.  By our words, we choose from that which God has set before you, which is life or death.  With that being said, we now know that death and life do rest in the power of our tongue.

Enjoy your blessings and remember to be a blessing to others - KW

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