Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Devotion: If God Loves Me...?

Most of you have heard of the story of Job and the troubles that befell him.  And while many believe that God played a role in his sufferings, this is not really the case.  We saw in our previous discussion that the words we speak actually controls what happens to us (Proverbs 18:21).  It was mentioned how we actually give the devil place or opportunity to do what he does best, which is to kill, steel, and destroy (John 10:10).  In other words, we give the devil “permission” to kill our good health, steal our wealth, and to destroy our total life’s prosperity through the words that we speak.  We spoke of a system that is completely activated by what an individual says and is “permission” based.  We used salvation as our example of a system that is controlled by what we speak.  We mentioned how salvation is obtained just by the words we speak or in this case confess – “And with your mouth, you make the confession and obtain salvation” (Romans 10:10).

Then we asked, “If it be possible for you to be saved by a confession of your mouth (not to forgo the believing in the heart part), then do you think it would be possible for you to be condemn by a confession of your mouth as well, provided the belief in the heart is there?”  But what does any of this have to do with Job?  Well, many believe that God gave Satan permission to do the things that were done to Job after Satan issued a challenge to God concerning Job’s faith in God.  This is not exactly the truth, even though this is how the story has traditionally been portrayed.  In the story, we find this statement from Job, “For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me” (Job 3:25).  We know that as fears and doubts increase, faith decreases proportionately.  So we have to ask, “What was the thing or things that Job greatly feared and what was he so afraid of that caused his faith to wane?”  This confession of fear from Job’s mouth gave Satan the “permission” he needed to do what he does best, which is to kill, steel, and destroy.

We find that Job continually tried to make his sons righteous (sanctified) by getting up early during the days of their feasting to offer burnt offerings for each of them, because he feared that they may have sinned and cursed God in their hearts.  This was just part of what Job greatly feared because he tried to sanctify them continually (Job 1:5).  Because Job confessed this fear, he unknowingly gave Satan the “permission” that he needed.  But didn’t Job say, “The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord” (Job 1:21)?  So, it was really God who gave Satan the permission for all of this to happen, right?  Not exactly.  Yes, it was Job who made that statement and that is the problem.  Job made that statement, not God.  Scripture tells us, “For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance” (Romans 11:29).  If this be true and God does not take back anything that he has given us, then this infamous statement that Job made is not exactly true, God does not take away what he has given.”  Imagine that, a statement from Job that has been traditionally accredited to God as something that God actually does.  We find that somewhat interesting, if not totally intriguing.

We know that this may be viewed as contrary to traditional religious teachings about this story.  We also know that this very condensed version could not possibly answer all of the questions one may have.  So we invite you to read more about this system that hinges on what a person says and more about the story of Job in our blog series titled, Death and Life Rest In..., which will fully explain all of those things that we have mentioned here.  Before you dismiss or judge this message to be blasphemous or sacrilegious, a total heresy, we only ask that you read the entire message; it truly may surprise you.  It just might help you fill in the blank in the proverbial question, “If God loves me...?”  As always, we remind you to check out the information for yourself, verifying that what is presented, regardless of the source, is not contrary to the word of God.  Never accept anyone’s interpretation for something that you have not investigated yourself.  Words can be manipulated to say many things, just make sure the ones that you accept are those of God and not those of man.  Amen.

If this message is a blessing to you, please share it so that others may be blessed by it as well.  Blessings.

Enjoy your blessings - KW

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