Monday, June 22, 2015

Devotion: God Plays No Favorites

Recently, we referred to a study we did on “The Characteristics of God, his nature, his character, and his personality.”  In that commentary, we revealed the one thing we had discovered that completely summed God up in a nutshell, “God is a god of integrity.”  We defined “integrity” as “the quality of possessing and steadfastly adhering to high moral principles or professional standards; uncompromising adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty; or the state of being complete or undivided.”  We also mentioned that “the integrity thing” had absolutely nothing to do with God’s abilities or his capabilities.

We found that the sovereignty of God speaks to the abilities and capabilities of God but has little to do with the integrity of God.  And as we mentioned before, we do not make it a habit of speaking for God because God’s words speak for and interpret themselves; however, there are times when the significance of those words gets lost in translation.  God has the ability to be unfair, immoral, unrighteous, and to do evil and bad things.  He has the ability to change anything that he chooses to change, especially his mind, if he chooses to change it, as well as the ability to lie, if he wants or chooses to.  God is fully capable of doing anything he so chooses, but the God that we serve, the sovereign God of all creation has chosen not to do any of the abovementioned things because he is “a god of integrity.”

Therefore, when you read in scripture “there is no iniquity with the Lord our God, nor respect of persons, nor taking of gifts” (II Chronicles 19:7), “God changes not” (Malachi 3:6), and “it is impossible for God to lie” (Hebrews 6:18), know that God has chosen these very traits to be part of “his nature, his character, and his personality.”  What God has said at the beginning and what he said in past times still holds true today and will continue in the future (Ezekiel 24:14).  What he gave at the beginning, he is still giving today and he will continue to give in the future (James 1:17).  Regardless of his abilities, God has chosen not to do certain things that would bring into question his integrity.  Many of the changes you see today are because man changed what God has said, not God changing what God has said.  Man has changed many things and then used God’s name to do so.  Man has done this so much throughout the years; he is now not able to distinguish the truth from the fiction.  God has not changed his mind about any one thing that he stated in the beginning or changed any one of those things that he put into place in the beginning.  God has never lied, not one time, past or present.  And God has never played nor does he play favorites.  This is why our God has chosen to be “the One of integrity;” that way, his children would recognize him over all others.

As you read today’s commentary, we pray that this message will bless you as well as inform you.  If blessed by this message, please share so that others may be blessed as well.  Amen.

Enjoy your blessings - KW

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