Sunday, March 25, 2012

Thinking, Who Would Have Thought? – Part Finale

The chances are pretty good that the foundation of your belief system has been adversely affected because it was more than likely built on the thoughts, ideas, and suggestions of others.  And if the foundation of your belief system has been built on the thoughts, ideas, and suggestions of others, then is it possible that all of that knowledge that you have gained over the years from others to have misled you?  And if the foundation of your belief system were based on the thoughts, ideas, and suggestions that you received as a child, then is it possible that all of that knowledge that you have gained over the years to have misguided you?

And if the foundation of your belief system has been built on false premises, then could the conclusions that you draw be false as well.  From the time that you have been able to understand, others have presented thoughts, ideas, and suggestions to you and those thoughts, ideas, and suggestions have been instilled in your mind as absolute truths.  And you have followed these absolute truths your entire life, without question.  And the really sad part is that those who offered you the thoughts, ideas, and suggestions, merely passed on what was passed on to them because they were taught the exact same thing in the exact same manner.

But we have found out something since then, since we were first taught, something that was and still is very important.  For us, we found out something since then that has changed our lives.  Believe it or not, we found out the things we had learned were not all that we were taught they were supposed to be.  We found out the knowledge we were given then was not all that we were led to believe it was supposed to be.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Thinking, Who Would Have Thought? – Part E

Do you really think that God can be contained within the same restrictions that have been placed on a thinking process that you have been so conditioned for your entire life?  What about the things of God, do you think they be contained within the same restrictions?  Do you suppose God intended for his word to be limited to these same restrictions?

No, we do not believe that God intended for there to be any limitations placed on our thinking process.  You see, the word of God is multidimensional, forever pregnant, giving birth to more and more revelation each time one seeks to find enlightenment.  For this reason, you cannot be a “convergent thinker” when it comes to understanding the word of God.  You cannot be limited in any way when it comes to God and the things of God.

You have to become a “divergent thinker,” one who can generate creative ideas by exploring many possible solutions, which will improve your ability to think, build confidence in your ability to reason, and encourage the growth and development of your ability to problem solve.  You have to be able to use “divergent thinking” in order to freely explore in a spontaneous, free-flowing manner the many possible solutions that exist when it comes to the many questions that are generated from studying the word of God.  You have to be able to use “divergent thinking” in order to receive the wisdom that God has told you to get.  You have to be able to use “divergent thinking” in order to receive the understanding that God has told you to get.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Thinking, Who Would Have Thought? – Part D

Here is the interesting part about all of this:  no matter the form of questioning, whether it be in the form of a “standardized multiple-choice format,” or in the form of a “close-ended question,” or in the form of an “open-ended question” with one with a “twist,” or in the form of a “loaded question,” or in the form of a “leading question,” or in the form of a “suggestive question,” we have been so conditioned to give that single answer which does not require any significant level of creativity on our part.  And at the end of the day, the end result is still the same, “convergent thinking.”

From the time we were little wee ones until now, we have been told certain things and we have just accepted them as truth without question.  And from the time we were little wee ones until now, we have been told what to believe and we have believed, without question.  And from the time we were little wee ones until now, we have been told how to believe what we believe and we have believed, without question.  And from the time we were little wee ones until now, you have been told why you should believe what you believe and you have believed.  From the time you were a little wee one until now, you have been conditioned.

You have been conditioned your entire life to give one response, conditioned your entire life to give the correct response, which has not required any significant level of creativity on your part.  You have been conditioned the same way your entire life, to think inside the limits that have been set before you.  You have been conditioned the same way your entire life, to think inside of the restrictions that have been set before you.  You have been conditioned the same way your entire life, so much so that you now put the limits and the restrictions on for yourself.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Thinking, Who Would Have Thought? – Part C

As we previously stated, you have been participating in the “convergent thinking” thought process your entire life.  We also stated that the “convergent thinking” thought process has been a major part of your life for so long that you are more than likely not even aware that you have been a participant in the process.  This thought process also plays a major role in the spiritual aspects of your life, especially when it comes to your religious studying.

There are a multitude of religious educational study materials available for use and all of the ones that we are aware of are designed to incorporate the “convergent thinking” thought process.  These religious educational study materials normally use questions or incomplete statements to get individuals to focus on a single correct answer.

Like the item writers for the standardized multiple-choice format, the questions and incomplete statements written for the religious educational study materials can be subjective in nature, poor in quality, and very ineffective as a teaching tool depending on the writers themselves, their religious training, their religious beliefs, their interpretation of the scriptures, their personal feelings about the scriptures, and their personal agenda, just to name a few.