Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Devotion: Pray To Be Enlightened

Some of you have commented on the fact that we do not exclusively use the King James Version when we reference or quote scripture in our commentaries.  While we cannot comment or speak for the author(s) of any other resources that we share, we believe that using the many different translations that we have available at our disposal, actually helps in our understanding and better helps us to spread the true Gospel.  We know that the King James Version can be somewhat difficult to understand at times, mainly because of the way some of the sentences are constructed, and the choice of the words used in the interpretation of the original manuscripts.  We also know that there is the belief that the King James Version is “the only true and authorized translation” of God’s word in existence.  Our intent is not to offend those who share in this belief, but to state why we do not exclusively use the King James Version when we reference or quote scripture.

Scripture tells us that all scripture is given by inspiration of God so that the man of God may be complete and may be perfectly equipped for every good work (II Timothy 3:16-17), but it does not point us to any particular translation of the scriptures.  Scripture also tells us, “the word of our God shall stand for ever” (Isaiah 40:8) and that his “words shall never pass away” (Matthew 24:35).  We will be the first to admit that there are some translations in print that appear to miss the mark on some passages, but we are told, through scripture, to study to show ourselves approved unto God so that we can rightly divide the word of truth (II Timothy 2:15), as well as to help us recognize and understand all that God has for us to know.  This is why we have chosen to reference or quote scriptures from other translations as well as the King James Version: they help us in our understanding and we pray that they help our readers.  However, if the message is better delivered to you by using your favorite King James translation, then please substitute in those passages in place of any that we have provided.  It is far more important that the message be received, than it is to debate over which translations provided the message.  As for us, we use them all.

Hopefully, today’s inspirational message will enlighten you so that your eyes will be opened and that you get the understanding of all that God has for you to know.  As always, we pray that you will be blessed and informed by what you have read.  If you are blessed by this message, please share so that others may be blessed as well.  Amen.

Enjoy your blessings. - KW

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